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SK: X: D:Herbst, Englisch T:Autumn comes N: nur englisch C:Aus England, 16. Jh. (:S: Rhythms, Rhymes, Games and Songs for the Lower School:) L:1/4 M:3/4 Q:3/4=52 K:Dm D2 E | F2 A | B c B | A3 | d c B | F2 G | A3- | A2 z | G G A | B2 G | F2 G | A2 F | E F G | F2 E | D3- | D2 z |] w: Au- tumn | comes, the | sum- mer ist | past. | Win- ter will | come too | soon. | |Stars will shine | clea- rer, | skies seem | nea- rer | un- der the | Har- vest | Moon. w: Au- tumn | comes, but | let us be | glad, | sin- ging an | au- tumn | tune. | |Hearts will be | ligh- ter, | nights be | brigh- ter | un- der the | Har- vest | Moon. |